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How DLMethionine Price Will Change

At present, the domestic mainstream market price of methionine is 21.5-23.5 yuan/kg, and lead time is normal, the price is stable, and the market has a good atmosphere for inquiries. The stock price in the European market is 2.80-2.95 euros/kg, and it is better to sign orders for tight supply in the second quarter of the European market.

CUC plans to suspend production of the methionine production line for maintenance in April-May. CJ Malaysia plans to conduct a 6-week overhaul from June to July. The specific time is to be determined. NHU plans to start a one-month shutdown for maintenance in late June.

The price of methionine is in a game between supply and demand, and the price trend is not clear in the short term. Inquiry transactions have improved slightly recently.

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