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What amino acids market will become?

Recently, the ex-factory price of 70% lysine has been raised, the overall supply is still tight, and the delivery date continues to be delayed. Although customers who demand methionine have sufficient pre-stocking and the current overall market demand is average, as CJ Malaysia's factory is affected by the epidemic and a certain brand is affected by logistics not arriving in time, it has triggered an increase in market purchase willingness, and market prices have continued to rise slightly. Be wary that other factories will follow suit and stop reporting, which may affect market buyer sentiment. Eppen and Huaheng have continuously increased the quotations of valine. CJJ has limited shipments in the domestic market, and the price trend of valine in the market will likely rise steadily.

Recently, the methionine market has changed. The main reason is that Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Heilongjiang and other provinces have carried out policy control on carbon emissions. The carbon emission control tasks of each province this year have been achieved through the control of coal and electricity indicators. It has been confirmed that Shandong has The two lysine production plants have received documents and need to control the release of 20% of their production capacity. The situation in Zhejiang and Jiangsu is relatively severe, and the degree of power curtailment is relatively high. Some methionine factories communicate with customers that existing contracts will delay delivery.

The production of threonine and lysine in various regions will continue to be affected due to the power and coal restrictions brought about by the dual carbon emission control policy. As a result, market inquiries have increased recently and trading volume has also increased.

Recently, the market has changed drastically, downstream demand changes, carbon emission control, Fujian and Heilongjiang have another epidemic, overseas export orders have increased sharply, corn prices have fluctuated, and the dual control measures continue to affect the threonine operating rate in Inner Mongolia. These factors will have a comprehensive impact The market trend from the end of September to the beginning of October or even longer.
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