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Latest Lysine, Threonine, DLM, Valine, Tryptophan Situation


At present, domestic mainstream traders of 70% lysine are quoting 6.3-6.8 yuan/kg, and 98% lysine is quoting 11-12.5 yuan/kg; due to tight supply of corn raw materials and high prices, logistics and transportation are hindered by the impact of the domestic epidemic. by Manufacturers have difficulties in delivery, which leads to some downstream customers to be positive in replenishment, ensuring raw materials for normal feed production after the Spring Festival. The current market inquiry is still relatively active, and it is expected that the ex-factory quotations of major lysine manufacturers will continue to increase.


At present, the domestic methionine mainstream market price is 19-20 yuan/kg, and the overall market price is mainly strong. The domestic raw material market price continues to rise, coupled with worries about the development of the domestic epidemic, methionine purchases are enthusiastic.

DLM price in the European market is 2.4-2.5 Euro/kg, and the supply in overseas markets is tight, supported by demand, superimposed on the delays in import and export transportation and delivery and rising freight rates. Most of the methionine manufacturers have stopped quoting or raised the price sharply. Currently, Evonik is quoting 21.5 yuan/kg, CJ has stopped quoting, and CUC only receive few orders, and NHU quoted 22 yuan/kg.


The current domestic market price of tryptophan is 68-73 yuan/kg. Driven by market panic replenishment, the factory has recently raised the ex-factory price, and the market price continues to be higher; the European tryptophan market price is 8-8.3 Euro/kg;

Supported by the domestic downstream demand for tryptophan, the supply in overseas markets is tight, and many manufacturers stop quoting (CJ and Fufeng stop), the domestic market price of tryptophan has remained high level, and the trade volume has remained stable and increased recently.


At present, the mainstream price of valine in the domestic market is 24-26 yuan/kg, and the spot price in the European market is 4-4.2 euros/kg.

Eppen price is 23 yuan/kg, Chengfu price is 24 yuan/kg, Meihua is 27 yuan/kg, Fufeng valine price is 30 yuan/kg, CJ no price , The recent market price is mainly stable, and the market volume is average.

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