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Sep 15 Amino Acids Weekly Report

Generally Speaking

At present, the market price of lysine is stable, and the market purchase and sales enthusiasm is declining; the market supply of valine and methionine is tight, and the quotations in the trade market are relatively strong; the price of tryptophan is temporarily stable, and the market spot is tight.

Lysine: At present, the industry has recovered slightly, and the quotation of lysine remains stable. Due to the strong cost of raw materials, the price of lysine is supported.


Methionine: Manufacturers have stopped reporting, some manufacturers have firm quotations, market inquiries have increased, and market supply is still tight in the short term.


Threonine: The market price remains stable, but manufacturers are more willing to raise prices and delivery is slower. Market demand is average, and spot goods are in short supply in some areas.

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