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Sep 15 Feed Minerals & Other Raw Materials Weekly Report

Generally Speaking

Feed phosphates prices are stable in the short term;

As the supply of upstream raw materials remains tight, baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) prices remain stable;


· Feed Phosphates(DCP, MCP, MDCP & TCP)

Upstream phosphate ore is operating at a high level, and the domestic sulfuric acid market is mainly on the sidelines. It is expected that the calcium hydrogen phosphate market will stabilize and consolidate in the short term. In the later period, we need to pay close attention to changes in upstream raw material prices and downstream demand.

· Sodium Bicarbonate(NaHCO3)

The supply of upstream raw materials is still tight, the production capacity of baking sodamanufacturers is still at a low level, factory inventories  are tight, and delivery is tight. The price of baking soda remains stable this week, and we need to pay close attention to the situation of upstream     raw materials and the inventory changes of manufacturers in the future.


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