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Today, the price of ethylene oxide in North China continues to be adjusted

On the 16th, the prices of domestic ethylene oxide in various regions were temporarily stable, and the ethylene market in Asia remained stable. CFR Northeast Asia was quoted at US$845-855/ton, and CFR Southeast Asia was quoted at US$770-780/ton. The demand side support of ethylene glycol gradually weakened, and the price trend fluctuated weakly. In the latest news, today (17th), affected by the sharp rise in raw materials and resource constraints, the ex-factory price of ethylene oxide in North China was raised again by 50 yuan/ton after the price adjustment on the 13th, and the external implementation was 7,450 yuan/ton. As of press time, the mainstream reference quotation in the domestic ethylene oxide market is at RMB 7,300-7650/ton. The specific details are as follows:



At present, the regional price difference of ethylene oxide in China is obvious. Due to the accidental fire in South Korea's ethylene plant, raw materials have risen mainly. According to China Concrete Network, the actual transaction price of ethylene in Northeast Asia has exceeded US$900/ton. Downstream polycarboxylic acid water-reducing agent monomers are pushing up, and companies are actively inquiring and replenishing goods, and purchasing enthusiasm has increased. It is expected that the short-term support of ethylene oxide will increase the center of gravity.


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