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Ethylene oxide quotes are temporarily stable, ups and downs are in a dilemma

On the 4th, the domestic ethylene oxide quotation was temporarily stable, and the closing price of ethylene in Asia fell. Among them, CFR Northeast Asia quoted 725-745 US dollars/ton, down 5 US dollars/ton, and CFR Southeast Asia quoted 730-740 US dollars/ton, down 10 US dollars/ton. Ton. The demand for ethylene glycol for related products is poor and the market is pessimistic. The ethylene glycol in East China is quoted at 3,805 yuan/ton. As of the date of publication on the 5th, the mainstream reference quotation in the domestic ethylene oxide market is at 7200-7550 yuan/ton. The specific details are as follows:



At present, the raw material Northeast Asia ethylene is weakly adjusted down, and the decline is obvious. The supply of ethylene glycol is loose, and the fundamentals have weakened. There is a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the market. It is expected that the short-term supply of ethylene oxide will continue to be tight, and the market will fall into a dilemma due to the negative effects.

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