Location:Index--->Product Center >> Amino Acids >> Guanidineacetic Acid Feed Grade >> Guanidineacetic Acid Feed Grade

  • Guanidineacetic Acid Feed Grade

Name:Guanidineacetic Acid Feed Grade
Appearance:White crystals or powder
Loss on drying,%≤:0.50
Ash content,%≤:0.20
Heavy metals(Pb),%≤:0.001
Melamine ,%≤:0.5
Dioxins,pg TEQ/kg≤:0.0008
PCBs:Not dectected
Coliform bacteria,CFU/g≤:1
Clostridium spp.,CFU/g≤:100

Product Description

This amino acid is mainly used in broiler chicks and growing-finishing pigs.

Dosage is 600g/MT formulated feed for chicks and 300-500g/MT feed for pigs.

It can :

1. reduce the ratio of meat to food(pig:0,1-0.2, poultry:0.03-0.05)

2.gain weight(pig:50-65g/day, poultry:50-80g/bird)

3.reduce the thickness of fat in pig back(3-8mm) and increase slauther percentage 1-2%

4.reduce the thickness of fat in poultry belly(5-10g/bird) and increase slauther percentage 1-1.5%

5.decrease water dripping loss of muscle(1-2%), increase meat redness and improve meat quality

6. Improve animal health, survival rate and anti-stress ability

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