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Scientists have developed a new

On September 4th, the reporter transformed the results of the "Changsha·China Longping Seed Industry Silicon Valley Livestock Industry Industry-University-Research Project" sponsored by the National Pig Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, Hunan Livestock and Poultry Safety Production Collaborative Innovation Center and Changsha Modern Seed Industry Chain Office. The meeting was informed that the original achievement "African Swine Fever Infection Specific Blocker" industrialization project from the team of Professor Wen Lixin of Hunan Agricultural University officially settled in Longping Seed Silicon Valley.

After the implementation of the project, it is expected to serve the African swine fever control of 50 million pigs, with an output value of 3 billion.

Wenli New Introduction, this is an original achievement made in the key technological innovation of African swine fever prevention and control biosafety. The team innovated and developed the biosafety theory, and put forward a new biosafety concept and filming principle.

"Non-pest virus infects pigs, mainly through the throat and digestive tract mucosa. This shows that N-pest virus has the'key' to open the pig's body. By attaching a non-specific or specific protective film to the mucosal surface, it can block or interfere with the virus. Binding to receptors on the mucosal surface is the most effective means to effectively prevent and control viral diseases."

P72 and P54 proteins are the main structural proteins and strong immunogenic proteins of the African swine fever virus, which are involved in the adsorption and entry of the virus to target cells.

Wen Li’s new team cloned the P72 and P54 genes, recombined the lactic acid bacteria, and then used the precise expression of the recombinant lactic acid bacteria to produce a mucosal infection blocker based on the above theory.

After that, through oral administration, it specifically binds to the receptors on the mucosal surface of the throat and digestive tract to block the non-plague virus receptor binding site to form an ecological space and effectively block the virus invasion.

This blocking agent is neither a vaccine nor a veterinary drug. The functional protein that acts is a subunit antigen protein, which does not contain non-plague virus genes, has no mutation and ecological risks, and has no vertical transmission. The mechanism of action only uses competitive receptors and physical blockade, which can quickly extinguish and block the spread of the disease after application.

At present, the results have been carried out under the special support of Changsha City Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Talents, pilot field trials have been carried out, and stable production and resumption of production have been implemented in nearly 100 pig farms across the country, tens of thousands of sows and more than 200,000 fattening pigs. , The application of precise removal and rapid extinguishment of epidemics has good results.
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